AsBuilt for Tube Bundles and Expansion Joints


December 31, 2022

AsBuilt for Tube Bundles and Expansion Joints

AsBuilt for Tube Bundles and Expansion Joints

The Challenge:

A major wood products manufacturing mill purchased fabricated condensate tube bundles with mating expansion joints. The tube bundles were delivered to the plant site, but the expansion joints were two states away at the fabricator’s storage yard. Unfortunately, there was not a high level of confidence that the expansion joints would fit the tube bundles correctly.

The Solution:

AsBuilt captured the as-built scans of the tube bundles onsite for 3D modeling. The next step was to travel to the fabricator’s site and scan the expansion joints for 3D modeling development. The expansion joints were virtually aligned to the tube bundles for the best fit and the results shared with the owner and fabricator. Unfortunately, the fit-up was not acceptable and the expansion joints had to be modified before delivery. Fortunately, the incompatible parts were not shipped to the plant site and the problems were discovered prior to an installation attempt.

Quick Facts:

As-Builts Captured

Even though the fabricated mating parts were states away, using 3D scan and model put the parts on one screen and mated together.

Virtual Fabrication Inspection

Historically, parts would be assumed correct or measured with a tape with errors introduced. Using 3D scan and model, AsBuilt eliminates the past measuring errors and provides exact fit confirmation for mating parts.

Shipping and Travel Savings

AsBuilt sent one tech and one scanner to capture the as-built conditions. The data was correct the first time with no return trips. Ultimately thousands of dollars were saved in shipping by not shipping the parts that did not fit.

Outage Planning

The owner allowed a small window of time for the demo and installation of the newly fabricated parts. Should the demo take place and the new parts not fit, the facility would be inoperable until the parts were corrected, which would require shipping and additional fabrication time.


Point Cloud

Navisworks Model

Clash Detection

Fabrication Inspection

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